Friday, June 28, 2013

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre title page.jpg

Title page of the first Jane Eyre edition


Charlotte Brontë






Gothic fiction, social criticism, bildungsroman


Smith, Elder, and Company

Publication date

16 October 1847

Media type


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Jane Eyre at Wikisource

Jane Eyre /ˈɛər/ (originally published as Jane Eyre: An Autobiography) is a novel by English writer Charlotte Brontë. It was published on 16 October 1847 by Smith, Elder & Co. of London, England, under the pen name "Currer Bell." The first American edition was released the following year by Harper & Brothers of New York.

Primarily of the bildungsroman genre, Jane Eyre follows the emotions and experiences of its eponymous character, including her growth to adulthood, and her love for Mr. Rochester, the byronic[1] master of fictitious Thornfield Hall. In its internalization of the action — the focus is on the gradual unfolding of Jane's moral and spiritual sensibility and all the events are colored by a heightened intensity that was previously the domain of poetry — the novel revolutionized the art of fiction. Charlotte Brontë has been called the 'first historian of the private consciousness' and the literary ancestor of writers like Joyce and Proust.[2] The novel contains elements of social criticism, with a strong sense of morality at its core, but is nonetheless a novel many consider ahead of its time given the individualistic character of Jane and the novel's exploration of classism, sexuality, religion, and proto-feminism.[3]



Jane Eyre is a first-person narrative of the title character. The novel goes through five distinct stages: Jane's childhood at Gateshead, where she is emotionally and physically abused by her aunt and cousins; her education at Lowood School, where she acquires friends and role models but also suffers privations and oppression; her time as the governess of Thornfield Hall, where she falls in love with her Byronic employer, Edward Rochester; her time with the Rivers family, during which her earnest but cold clergyman cousin, St John Rivers, proposes to her; and the finale with her reunion with, and marriage to, her beloved Rochester. During these sections the novel provides perspectives on a number of important social issues and ideas, many of which are critical of the status quo (see the Themes section below). Literary critic Jerome Beaty notes that the close first person perspective leaves the reader "too uncritically accepting of her worldview" and often leads reading and conversation about the novel towards supporting Jane, regardless of how irregular her ideas or perspectives.[4]

Jane Eyre is divided into 38 chapters and most editions are at least 400 pages long. The original publication was in three volumes, comprising chapters 1 to 15, 16 to 26, and 27 to 38; this was a common publishing format during the 19th century (see three-volume novel).

Brontë dedicated the novel's second edition to William Makepeace Thackeray.

Jane's Childhood

Young Jane argues with her guardian Mrs. Reed of Gateshead. Illustration by F. H. Townsend.

The novel begins with the titular character Jane Eyre living with her maternal uncle's family, the Reeds, as her uncle's dying wish. The novel starts when Jane is ten years old and several years after her parents died of typhus. Mr. Reed was the only one in the Reed family to be kind to Jane. Jane’s aunt Sarah Reed does not like her, treats her worse than a servant and discourages and, at times, forbids her children from associating with Jane. Mrs. Reed and her three children are abusive to Jane, both physically and emotionally. The servant Bessie proves to be Jane's only ally in the household even though Bessie sometimes harshly scolds Jane. Excluded from the family activities, Jane is incredibly unhappy with only a doll and occasionally books in which to find solace. One day, Jane is locked in the red room, where her uncle died, and panics after seeing visions of him. She is finally rescued when she is allowed to attend Lowood School for Girls, after the physician Mr. Lloyd convinces Mrs. Reed to send Jane away. Before Jane leaves, she confronts Mrs. Reed and declares that she'll never call her "aunt" again, that Mrs. Reed and her daughters, Georgiana, and Eliza are deceitful and that she'd tell everyone at Lowood how cruelly Mrs. Reed treated her.


Jane arrives at Lowood Institution, a charity school, the head of which (Brocklehurst) has been told that she is deceitful. During an inspection, Jane accidentally breaks her slate, and Mr. Brocklehurst, the self-righteous clergyman who runs the school, brands her a liar and shames her before the entire assembly. Jane is comforted by her friend, Helen Burns. Miss Temple, a caring teacher, facilitates Jane's self-defense and writes to Mr. Lloyd, whose reply agrees with Jane's. Ultimately, Jane is publicly cleared of Mr. Brocklehurst's accusations.

The eighty pupils at Lowood are subjected to cold rooms, poor meals, and thin clothing. Many students fall ill when a typhus epidemic strikes. Jane's friend Helen dies of consumption in her arms. When Mr. Brocklehurst's neglect and dishonesty are discovered, several benefactors erect a new building and conditions at the school improve dramatically.

Thornfield Hall

After six years as a student and two as a teacher, Jane decides to leave Lowood, like her friend and confidante Miss Temple. She advertises her services as a governess, and receives one reply. It is from Alice Fairfax, the housekeeper at Thornfield Hall. She takes the position, teaching Adele Varens, a young French girl. While Jane is walking one night to a nearby town, a horseman passes her. The horse slips on ice and throws the rider. She helps him to the horse. Later, back at the mansion she learns that this man is Edward Rochester, master of the house. He teases her, asking whether she bewitched his horse to make him fall. Adele is his ward, left in Mr. Rochester's care when her mother abandoned her. Mr. Rochester and Jane enjoy each other's company and spend many hours together.

Odd things start to happen at the house, such as a strange laugh, a mysterious fire in Mr. Rochester's room, on which Jane throws water, and an attack on Rochester's house guest, Mr. Mason. Jane receives word that her aunt was calling for her, after being in much grief because her son has died. She returns to Gateshead and remains there for a month caring for her dying aunt. Mrs. Reed gives Jane a letter from Jane's paternal uncle, Mr John Eyre, asking for her to live with him. Mrs. Reed admits to telling her uncle that Jane had died of fever at Lowood. Soon after, Jane's aunt dies, and she returns to Thornfield. Jane begins to communicate to her uncle John Eyre.

St. John Rivers admits Jane to Moor House.

After returning to Thornfield, Jane broods over Mr. Rochester's impending marriage to Blanche Ingram. But on a midsummer evening, he proclaims his love for Jane and proposes. As she prepares for her wedding, Jane's forebodings arise when a strange, savage-looking woman sneaks into her room one night and rips her wedding veil in two. As with the previous mysterious events, Mr. Rochester attributes the incident to drunkenness on the part of Grace Poole, one of his servants. During the wedding ceremony, Mr. Mason and a lawyer declare that Mr. Rochester cannot marry because he is still married to Mr. Mason’s sister Bertha. Mr. Rochester admits this is true, but explains that his father tricked him into the marriage for her money. Once they were united, he discovered that she was rapidly descending into madness and eventually locked her away in Thornfield, hiring Grace Poole as a nurse to look after her. When Grace gets drunk, his wife escapes, and causes the strange happenings at Thornfield. Jane learns that her own letter to her uncle John Eyre, which happened to be seen by Mr. Mason, who knew John Eyre and was there, was how Mr. Mason found out about the bigamous marriage. Mr. Rochester asks Jane to go with him to the south of France, and live as husband and wife, even though they cannot be married. Refusing to go against her principles, and despite her love for him, Jane leaves Thornfield in the middle of the night. Thereafter, Jane was forced to live in the streets begging for food, until one day she accidentally came across family members of her uncle John Eyre which she later learns of the inheritance of money from his death.[5]

Other employment

Jane travels through England using the little money she had saved. She accidentally leaves her bundle of possessions on a coach and has to sleep on the moor, trying to trade her scarf and gloves for food. Exhausted, she makes her way to the home of Diana and Mary Rivers, but is turned away by the housekeeper. She faints on the doorstep, preparing for her death. St. John Rivers, Diana and Mary's brother and a clergyman, saves her. After she regains her health, St. John finds her a teaching position at a nearby charity school. Jane becomes good friends with the sisters, but St. John remains reserved.

The sisters leave for governess jobs and St. John becomes closer with Jane. St. John discovers Jane's true identity, and astounds her by showing her a letter stating that her uncle John Eyre has died and left her his entire fortune of 20,000 pounds (equivalent to over £1.3 million in 2011, calculated using the RPI[6]). When Jane questions him further, St. John reveals that John is also his and his sisters' uncle. They had once hoped for a share of the inheritance, but have since resigned themselves to nothing. Jane, overjoyed by finding her family, insists on sharing the money equally with her cousins, and Diana and Mary come to Moor House to stay.


Thinking she will make a suitable missionary's wife, St. John asks Jane to marry him and to go with him to India, not out of love, but out of duty. Jane initially accepts going to India, but rejects the marriage proposal, suggesting they travel as brother and sister. As soon as Jane's resolve against marriage to St. John begins to weaken, she mysteriously hears Mr. Rochester's voice calling her name. Jane then returns to Thornfield to find only blackened ruins. She learns that Mr. Rochester's wife set the house on fire and committed suicide by jumping from the roof. In his rescue attempts, Mr. Rochester lost a hand and his eyesight. Jane reunites with him, but he fears that she will be repulsed by his condition. When Jane assures him of her love and tells him that she will never leave him, Mr. Rochester again proposes and they are married. He eventually recovers enough sight to see their first-born son.


17 Tanda Awal Kehamilan (Part I)

Terlambat haid bukanlah satu-satunya tanda awal kehamilan.

Bahkan, ketika Anda menganggap diri Anda masih haid sekalipun, bukan berarti saat itu Anda sedang tidak hamil. Lalu, apa saja tanda awal kehamilan khusus yang menunjukkan kalau Anda benar-benar hamil?

Melissa Goist, M.D, clinical assistant professor kebidanan dan kandungan di Ohio State University Medical Center, mengatakan, segera setelah terjadi pembuahan, tubuh Anda akan memproduksi sejumlah hormon kehamilan. Hormon-hormon inilah yang bertanggung jawab pada beberapa perubahan kondisi fisik Anda, bahkan sebelum kehamilan Anda terdeteksi oleh test pack.

Coba Anda cek 17 tanda awal kehamilan di bawah ini. Bila 10 diantaranya Anda alami, bisa jadi Anda memang benar-benar hamil:

1. Payudara bengkak

Memakai bra terasa seperti siksaan, karena payudara tiba-tiba  membesar dan terasa nyeri jika disentuh. Ditambah lagi, warna areola yang lebih gelap dari biasanya


2. Sering lelah

Biasanya, Anda sanggup membaca beberapa bab novel favorit Anda sebelum tidur. Tapi sekarang, Anda tak sanggup membaca satu halaman pun.


3. Mual

Setiap pagi, Anda bangun dengan perut mual dan perasaan ingin muntah. Seringkali, rasa mual berlangsung sepanjang hari.

4. Sering buang air kecil

Tidur malam terganggu, karena selalu terbangun untuk pergi ke toilet.

5. Sakit kepala

Tiba-tiba saja, Anda sering mengeluh sakit kepala. Jika Anda memutuskan untuk mengonsumsi obat pereda sakit kepala, pilih yang mengandung acetaminophen yang lebih aman untuk kehamilan dibanding ibuprofen.

6. Sakit punggung

Biasanya, Anda tidak punya masalah dengan sakit punggung. Namun kini, punggung bagian bawah terasa nyeri. Jika Anda benar hamil, gangguan ini akan menetap hingga melahirkan kelak.

7. Perut kram

Perut terasa kembung dan kram, gejala yang biasa Anda rasakan menjelang haid. Anda menduga ini hanyalah salah satu dari gejala PMS setiap bulannya.

8. Ngidam atau menolak makanan tertentu

Tanpa alasan yang jelas, mendadak Anda sangat menginginkan makanan tertentu, yang sebelumnya mungkin bukan makanan favorit Anda. Atau sebaliknya, Anda tiba-tiba tak tahan dengan makanan yang selama ini jadi kegemaran Anda.

Tips Vitamin: 4 Manfaat Vitamin E bagi Kesehatan & Kecantikan

Amazine | Online Popular Knowledge

Vitamin E merupakan antioksidan yang memiliki banyak manfaat, baik ketika dikonsumsi sendiri maupun dikombinasikan dengan vitamin lain.

Vitamin E terkandung dalam kacang-kacangan, buah-buahan seperti apel dan blueberry, sayuran seperti tomat, ubi jalar, dan sayuran berdaun hijau.

Dosis vitamin E yang dibutuhkan tubuh setiap harinya adalah sekitar 200 mg hingga 400 mg.

Anda bisa memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut baik dari makanan maupun suplemen vitamin.

Berikut adalah beberapa manfaat dari suplemen vitamin E:

1. Menyembuhkan luka.

Vitamin E dapat meredakan dan menyembuhkan luka bakar atau luka potong kecil.

Caranya mudah, lubangi satu kapsul suplemen vitamin E dengan jarum. Kemudian pencet kapsul tersebut agar cairannya keluar dan oleskan pada luka. 

2. Anti penuaan (anti aging).

Vitamin E sangat baik digunakan sebagai agen anti penuaan. Vitamin E membuat kulit terlihat sehat dan lentur.

Anda dapat menambahkan suplemen vitamin E pada pelembab atau membeli pelembab yang sudah mengandung vitamin E.

Vitamin E juga dapat mengurangi garis-garis halus dan keriput pada wajah.

3. Mengurangi kram akibat menstruasi.

Vitamin E dapat digunakan untuk meredakan kram pada saat menstruasi. Ambil kapsul suplemen vitamin E 1-2 kali setiap hari sekitar dua minggu sebelum siklus menstruasi.

4. Mencegah kulit terbakar matahari.

Vitamin E dapat berfungsi untuk mencegah terbakarnya kulit akibat paparan sinar matahari.

Carilah lotion tabir surya yang mengandung vitamin E dan oleskan pada kulit sebelum Anda bepergian ke tempat yang banyak terpapar sinar matahari terutama pantai atau saat musim kemarau.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Sekolah                 : SDN MOJOROTO I
Mata pelajaran       : Bahasa inggris
Kelas / semester    : VI (Enam) / 1
Tema                     : Public places and Direction
Pertemuan             : 1 (ke-satu)
Metode                  : numbered head together
Alokasi waktu       : 2 x 35

Standar kompetensi    :
3. Membaca     : memahami teks fungsional pendek dan deskriptif bergambar sangat   sederhana dalam konteks sekitar peserta didik
Kompetensi dasar       :
3.1 Membaca nyaring teks fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan ucapan dan intonasi yang tepat dan berterima.
Indikator                     :
1.      melafalkan kata, frasa dan kalimat dengan intonasi dan tekanan dengan baik dan benar
2.      mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dengan kalimat-kalimat sederhana.

A.    Tujuan pembelajaran         :
1.   Siswa mampu melafalkan kata, frasa dan kalimat dengan intonasi dan tekanan yang baik dan benar
2.    membaca nyaring dengan baik dan benar
B.     Materi pembelajaran          : Public places and direction
C.     Metode pembelajaran        : numbered head together                              
D.    Langkah- langkah kegiatan

Taknik pembelajaran
Alokasi waktu
1.      kegiatan pendahuluan
-          salam pembuka
-          menata siswa
-          menata peralatan
-          menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran
5 menit
2.      kegiatan inti
a). pre-speaking
-        warming up
- guru mengenalkan materi pembelajaran
b). whilst-speaking
- guru membacakan sebuah dialog dan meminta siswa unttuk menirukan
- guru membagi siswa menjadi dua kelompok untuk untuk membaca dialog
-  guru meminta siswa untuk mengerjakan tugas
-  guru meminta siswa untuk membaca hasil pekerjaan siswa

c). Post-speaking
- siswa di minta membacakan dialog kembali bersama-sama
- guru memperbaiki kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa


25 menit

5        menit
3.      kegiatan penutup
-          guru memberikan komentar dengan mengucapkan good job, well done, atau very good pada siswa
-          guru menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran

E.     Alat dan sumber belajar
1.Alat/media         : Gambar dan media penunjang
2.Sumber belajar   : buku, internet

F.      Evaluasi penilaian
Indicator penilaian
Jenis penilaian

1. Fuency: Lancar sekali = 3, cukup lancar = 2, kurang lancar = 1
2. Pronunciation: Ucapan tepat = 3, cukup = 2, kurang = 1
 3. Intonation: Baik = 3, cukup = 2, kurang= 1

6  practice the dialogue

7  Write down T if the statement is true, and F if the statement is false based on the dialogue in the task I!

Mengetahui                                                                             Kediri, 18 juni 2013

Kepala Sekolah                                                                       Guru mata pelajaran